Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Kim with Dasher

Speaking of generous is a final shot of Kim with Dasher, and the last of the roll of film. I heard from Gay (again, speaking of generous Kauaiians) today. She's back on the island, experiencing her own culture shock. Today she was going to the shack to work with the tree guy, John, in dealing with a tree they'd had to cut down. It was a beautiful tree, but I guess that species can be very invasive in Hawaii. Had they left it alone it would have eventually made its way downstream, affecting the native plants that already grow there, and in the National Tropical Botanical Garden. They cut it down before I arrived, leaving an enormous hole in the canopy, but hadn't figured out how to get the wood out, as the tree was at the bottom of the valley. I suppose that's what they talked about today. Just getting her email I could picture it exactly, and wished I was there to see their progress on the farm.


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